Your link to Nikolaus Groß

Step 2: To copy HTML source code


Insert the following HTML-Source code into your file to that place, where the link should be placed. Mark the whole source code and choose the menu item "Edit -> Copy" (or short cut [Ctrl]-[C]) of your internet browser to copy the source code:

<a href="">To homepage "Nikolaus Groß"</a>

In your HTML editor please click now at that place within your source code, where the logo should be placed and choose "Edit -> Paste" (or short cut [Ctrl]-[V]). The source code should be insert into your HTML-file now. Please save it and upload it to the server of your website.

The link works now. But you can also make some adjustments, if you want:

step 3: to adjust the link text (optional)

If you want to change the link text, please exchange the following red-marked source code in the document in your HTML editor.

<a href="">To homepage "Nikolaus Groß"</a>

If the user, who clicks the link, should go to the home page, you're ready now. If the user should reach a special part of the homepage Nikolaus Groß, then you must click "Step 4" now:

Click here to get more information about this themeIn English Step 4: To adjust the target of the link
